Hi there and welcome to the Blog. My name is Peres Atti and I am model from Bayelsa. I must say that I am a food fanatic and as such I would be doing a lot of talking about my journey with Nigerian delicacies.
Like seriously I look quite skinny and I tend to eat a lot and this has gotten people asking where all the food I eat go to. But not to worry, much of it goes into my brain and very little gets to my body. LOL
As a model and a cook, I have discovered that food goes with music and so, I would do well to talk about the kind of song that would o with native dishes.
On this platform, I would gladly be exploring Traditional/continental food recipes and Flavors with strong emphasis on Photography, Diversity, Vibrant colors and Health benefits. Here you will find Day to Day Nigerian recipes and pictures with some infusions from other parts of the Globe.
You can follow me on instragram via @peresjay or on facebook via Peres Atti. Feel free to ask any questions! Welcome once more to my personal blog.
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